Thursday, February 12, 2009

Now what do I do?

I just finished the last Twilight book and I'm sitting here stunned that it's over.

Now you know why it took me so long to post my Israel pic's. :0)


Stefani B. said...

If you get bored, go to her website and read the first book from Edwards point of view...what she's written of it anyway. It's called "Midnight Sun."

Cris said...

I think I am going to start over on the series and then come November the new movie will be out!

Paul*Cat*Hallie*Ty said...

Hey...sometimes I blogstalk you hope you don't mind. :) I LOOOVED "Breaking Dawn" I couldn't wait to finish it and was heartbroken when it was over...I think the movie will be AMAZING!!! the heck are you???