Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In Memory of Grandma

My Grandma Clove passed away last night. I have lost both my grandma's now and it's tearing me apart. Being the oldest grandchild, I was very close to my grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. (Not to many cousins my age.) I'm so greatful that me and my sister Debbie went down to St. George this past weekend to see Grandma in the hospital. What a blessing it was to talk with her and tell how much we love her. I miss you and love you Grandma.

Nola Truman Clove

1918 - 2009

70th Wedding Anniversary last August


Natalie said...

I'm sorry for your loss Dani. I'm sure she was an amazing lady. The important thing: FAMILIES ARE TOGETHER FOREVER!

Paula said...

May you feel our Savior's arms wrapped around you. Love you!